4.5. Pointing a domain from Mat Bao

Step 1: Access the domain management page of Mat Bao and log in with your account information: https://www.matbao.net/

Use the username and password provided by Mat Bao after activating your domain. This information is sent to the email you registered with.

Step 2: Go to the Domain Management page -> Select the domain you want to configure -> Choose DNS Records.

Step 3: Pointing the domain.

  • To point the primary domain, you need to add 2 records as follows:

  1. Record Name: @ Record Type: URL REDIRECT Record Value: http://www.tenmiencuaban.vn

  2. Record Name: www Record Type: CNAME Record Value: dns.shopone.io

  • To point the subdomain:

For example, if you have the domain tenmiencuaban.vn and want to create and use the subdomain sanpham.tenmiencuaban.vn, add the following record:

Record Name: sanpham Record Type: CNAME Record Value: dns.shopone.io

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