3.8. Pointing a domain from CloudFlare
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To point the main domain, you need to add 2 records as follows: (Note: You need to turn off the cloud image).
TYPE : A Name: @ IPv4 address:
TYPE: CNAME NAME: www TARGER: dns.shopone.io
To point the subdomain:
For example, if you have the domain tenmiencuaban.vn, and want to create and use the subdomain sanpham.tenmiencuaban.vn, add the following record:
Record Name: sanpham Record Type: CNAME Record Value: dns.shopone.io
Redirect traffic from no-www (https://yourdomainname.vn) to www (https://www.yourdomainname.vn):
Go to the Cloudflare Dashboard -> Select Page Rules -> Click Create Page Rule.
Enter the following details:
Enter the URL without "www".
Select the setting: Forwarding URL + 301 - Permanent Redirect.
Enter the URL with "www".