3.3. Advanced Editor

The Advanced Editor in the quick settings bar provides advanced tools and settings to fine-tune the details of elements on the website. This is where you can make sophisticated adjustments and more detailed configurations for widgets, allowing you to control the display and behavior of elements more precisely.

Click on Advanced in the quick settings bar to access the advanced editor.

Events Events allow you to add interactive actions to components on the page, such as buttons, images, and text blocks. These events can make your page more dynamic and engaging while enhancing the user experience.

  • Choose events:

+ On click: The event that occurs when a user clicks on the element.

+ On hover: The event that occurs when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the element.

  • Set up actions when the event occurs:

+ Change Color: Changes the color of the element when the event occurs.

Targets: Options to change the color of the text, background color, or border color.

+ Open Popup: Displays a popup window with information or a form.

Targets: Options to select the popup and the effect for the popup appearance.

+ Close Popup: Closes an currently open popup window.

Targets: Options to select the popup and the effect for closing the popup.

+ Scroll To: Automatically scrolls the page to a specific element.

Targets: Options to select the section to scroll to.

+ Open Link: Opens a specific link when the user interacts with the element.

Targets: Options to select the target link and choose how to display it: in the same site or in a new window.


Animation allows you to add dynamic effects to elements on the landing page to make them more engaging and lively. Using these effects helps enhance interactivity and capture the users' attention.

  • Name:

This is the name of the animation effect that you want to apply to the element on the page. Each effect will create a different type of movement or transformation for the element.

Find and select an animation from the dropdown list. You can try different effects to choose the one that best fits the style of the landing page.

  • Duration:

This is the duration for which the effect will occur, measured in seconds. A shorter duration will make the effect happen faster, while a longer duration will make the effect slower.

In the Duration section, enter or select the time you want for the effect. Adjust the duration to fit the purpose and aesthetics of the landing page. An effect that is too fast or too slow can impact the user experience.

  • Delay:

The delay is the amount of time before the effect starts, measured from when the element appears on the screen. This allows you to control when the effect will begin to take place.

In the Delay section, enter or select the desired delay time. The delay can be used to create a sequential or synchronized effect between different elements on the page.

  • Loop:

The Loop option allows you to decide whether the effect will repeat continuously or occur just once. In the Loop section, enter the number of times you want the effect to repeat.

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