
The Typography option allows you to customize the properties of the text on the landing page, including font type, size, color, spacing, and other attributes. Adjusting typography ensures that the text on the landing page is not only easy to read but also aligns with the overall design.

Below is a detailed guide on how to use the Typography option:

  • Font family: Specifies the type of font that the text will use. Select from the list of available fonts or enter the name of a custom font.

  • Text align: Determines how the text is aligned within the element.

+ Start: The text is aligned to the left edge of the page or container.

+ Center: The text is centered horizontally within the page or container.

+ End:The text is aligned to the right edge of the page or container.

+ Justify: The text is evenly aligned on both the left and right edges, creating lines of equal length.

  • Text decoration: Specifies decorative effects such as default, underline, overline, line through, none.

  • Color: Specifies the color of the text.

  • Font weight: Specifies the thickness of the font.

  • Font Style: Specifies the style of the font, such as default, normal, italic, oblique

  • Text Transform: Specifies how the text will be transformed to such as default, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase or none.

  • Font size: Specifies the size of the text

  • Letter spacing: Specifies the spacing between characters in the text: default, suto, narrow, wide, custom

  • Line height: Specifies the spacing between lines of text: default, single, 1.5, double, custom

  • Text shadow: Creates a shadow for the text to enhance the visual effect.

+ Color: The color of the shadow.

+ X: The horizontal distance of the shadow.

+ Y: The vertical distance of the shadow.

+ Blur: The blur radius of the shadow.

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